Herbal blue sex pills - do they work?

This is a really tough question, why? because due to the demand for these pills there are now several manufacturers some legitimate and some not.

The original Viagra is still only available on prescription in the UK as is any product that contains Sildenafil. There are however now herbal pills that contain natural freely available ingredients and we have tested a few. Some don't have any effect whatsoever whilst others give a slight headache and nothing much more. We have however come across a brand that do work. We bought some samples from the suppliers and gave them away to friends and family to try out. They all reported back to us that yes they do work and when compared to Viagra or Kamagra they have less side effects.

The only side effect reported to us was a slight green tint in the users vision for a few hours. We were told that unlike products containing Sildenafil these pills did not reduce sensitivity and went on to work for a full 24 hours! It was also reported to us that these tablets not only provide rock hard erections but also seemed to increase sexual desire. They are now stocked in our shop priced at just £5 for 4 tablets. You can buy these herbal blue pills here.


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